


  • Rest in the peaceful Casa Santicchio Refuge
  • Taste delicious organic meals from their farm
  • Enjoy a Finnish wellness treatment with a view
  • Immerse yourself in the sacred Vallesanta valley


Nestled within the National Park of the Casentino Forests, Santicchio offers a serene refuge for pilgrims walking the Via di Francesco pilgrimage trail. Surrounded by majestic oak and beech woods, this charming farmhouse, Casa Santicchio, provides a warm welcome to weary hikers. Its proximity to the Sanctuary of La Verna, where St. Francis received the stigmata, imbues this idyllic haven with a rich spiritual history.

Distance from Stage Start:
9 km
Distance to Stage End:
8.83 km

Culture & History

Casa Santicchio is more than just a refuge; it is an integral part of the region’s history and culture. Since the year 1000, countless pilgrims have passed by this farmhouse on their way to Rome or the Sanctuary of Chiusi della Verna. The surrounding Casentino valley is known for its Dantesque places and religious sites, like the Hermitage of Camaldoli and La Verna, which showcase the valley’s spiritual heritage.

The Association Una Valle che Cammina promotes a simpler, more sustainable lifestyle, in harmony with nature and others. They aim to help visitors discover the region’s excellence while preserving the environment and fostering a solidarity-based economy. As part of this mission, the refuge serves organic meals made from ingredients sourced from their farm, embracing the values of quality, sustainability, and love for nature.

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