Museo Forestale e Arboreto Carlo Siemoni



  • “Carlo Siemoni” Forest Museum
  • Oldest arboretum in Italy
  • 139 tree species from around the world
  • Rich history of Casentino forests
Via Nazionale, 14B, 52010 Badia Prataglia AR, Italy


Discover the enchanting “Carlo Siemoni” Forest Museum and Arboretum in Badia Prataglia, a unique attraction that showcases the captivating flora and fauna of the Apennines. Explore the oldest arboretum in Italy, home to an impressive 139 tree species from across the globe, and delve into the rich history of the Casentino forests.

Culture & History

The “Carlo Siemoni” Forest Museum is dedicated to Karl Siemon, a Bohemian forest engineer invited to manage the Casentino forests for Grand Duke of Tuscany, Leopold II, in 1837. The museum houses photographs, giant prints of flowers and wildlife, a geological model of the land, natural environment reconstructions, a xyloteque, and taxidermy mammals native to the Apennines.

Adjacent to the museum lies the Arboretum, established in the mid-19th century by Siemon. Initially designed for experimentation and acclimatization of exotic forest species, the arboretum has grown to feature indigenous and centuries-old trees of numerous varieties. Since the 1950s, the Arboretum has expanded to include 139 species across three hectares, originating from various corners of the world.

How to Get There

To reach the Carlo Siemoni Forest Museum and Arboretum from the nearest town, Badia Prataglia, start at the church and head right along Via Nazionale. The museum is located at Via Nazionale, 26, 52010 Badia Prataglia AR, Italia. The Arboretum is just a short walk from the museum, and the Park Visitor Center is about 50 meters further to the right along the road. Enjoy your walk through this picturesque town, taking in the beautiful surroundings and lush greenery as you approach the museum and arboretum.


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