Chiesa di San Domenico

Church & Sacred Site


  • Ancient Chiesa di San Domenico with a beautiful fresco
  • Ospitale di San Domenico, a pilgrim hostel nearby
Via Casentinese, 353, 50060 Consuma FI, Italy
Days / Time Open:

Open Saturday-Sunday
9:00 – 17:00

Saturday 18:00
Sunday 11:00

Closed Monday – Friday


Nestled in the heart of Tuscany, the Chiesa di San Domenico invites pilgrims and hikers to experience its humble beauty. Discover the captivating fresco by Luciano Guarnieri, and soak in the charm of this classic Tuscan village church. After exploring its dignified interiors, unwind at the nearby Ospitale di San Domenico, where a warm communal pilgrim’s dinner awaits.

Culture & History

The Chiesa di San Domenico was consecrated on October 1, 1932, under the auspices of Don Oreste Veneri and architect Father Raffaello Franci. This simple yet elegant church is an artistic gem amidst the picturesque Tuscan landscape. It stands as a testament to the devotion and craftsmanship of the local community.

Over the years, the church has undergone several restorations, the most recent of which occurred in 2021. The project, which cost €63,911, restored the bell tower and facade, ensuring the church’s ongoing preservation. The restoration was made possible by generous donations from the CEI, the Diocese of Fiesole, and numerous benefactors.

Photo Gallery