
Tuscany & Casentino Region Services:
Taxi, Baggage Transfer, Bicycles, more!

Connect with local service providers along the Via di Francesco.

Starting the trail

Stage 1: Florence to Pontassieve

Florence provides the most services to pilgrims, including Decathlon outdoors outfitters, tour guides, and bicycle rentals. Florence and Pontassieve have ATMs.


Luggage, equipment, and bike transport. Comprehensive itineraries, expert guides, and support services

Luggage transport service for entire trail Florence to Rome, based in Sansepolcro

Into the mountains

Stage 2: Pontassieve to Consuma

Services are limited in Pontassieve through Consuma. Laundry services are available in Pontassieve, and a small Coop grocery is in Diacceto.

Explore medieval Stia

Stage 3: Consuma to Stia

Pilgrims can connect with local Forest Casentinesi guides on Stage 3. Stia hosts a larger Coop grocery, laundromat, and ATM/Bancomat.


Expert-led Via di Francesco pilgrimage tours


Tailored Via di Francesco treks with donkeys


Private taxi service serving Foreste Casentinesi area from Stia to La Verna

Enter the National Forest

Stage 4: Stia to Camaldoli

Services are limited in the forest. Taxis are usually based in nearby Arezzo.


Private taxi service tailored to pilgrims’ needs in Camaldoli and Casentinesi Forests National Park.

Relaxing Stage

Stage 5: Camaldoli to Badia Prataglia

Services are limited in Foreste Casentinesi and Badia Prataglia. Pilgrims can find a small Lavanderia and food stalls near the town center.

Sacred Mountain Retreat

Stage 6: Badia Prataglia to La Verna

All services will be found in nearby Chiusi della Verna, about 20 minute walk from the monastery. Taxis to the monastery from Arezzo or Bibbiena are available.

Taxi from Arezzo/Bibbiena to La Verna, up to 8 pilgrims.