Pilgrim’s Discount

Pilgrim’s Discount

The free I Cammini Pilgrim’s Pass is our way to say “thank you” for your commitment to walking the official path and supporting our mission of preserving the Via di Francesco.

By signing up for the free Pilgrim’s Pass, you’ll be connected to local vendors and hosts dedicated to the values of St Francis and supporting the journey of pilgrims.

Pilgrim's PassEmbrace the Spirit of Pilgrimage with Exclusive Discounts

With the I Cammini Pilgrim’s Pass, you’ll enjoy discounts – such as 10% or more off overnight stays – with members of the Pilgrim Ospitale Network of accommodations and services along the official path, through Florence, Pontassieve, Consuma, Stia, Camaldoli, Badia Prataglia, Rimbocchi/Corezzo, and Chiusi della Verna.

These special discounts from our members are our way of showing how deeply our community values your journey, ensuring your pilgrimage is both enriching and affordable.

How to Use Your I Cammini Pilgrim’s Pass

Make the most of your I Cammini Pilgrim’s Pass with these simple steps:

  1. Walk the official Via di Francesco path, immersing yourself in the breathtaking landscapes, historical sites, and local culture.
  2. Collect stamps on your personal credentials at key locations, marking your progress along the route.
  3. Present your I Cammini Pilgrim’s Pass at participating accommodations to receive your exclusive discounts.

Sign up now and let the I Cammini Pilgrim’s Pass enhance your journey along the Via di Francesco.

Enter your email, and we’ll send you the printable Pilgrim’s Pass.

Sign up today and receive your I Cammini Pilgrim’s Pass by entering your email.

Printable Pilgrim's Pass

Pilgrim's Pass

Get printable Pilgrim Discount Card as a part of the Pilgrim Essentials Kit.

Click the link below to download the free kit, including Pilgrim Discount Card, Walking Guide, and more.

Get Pilgrim Essentials Kit