Casa Lastri

Stay at Casa Lastri in Moggiona for a unique blend of comfort and nature, ideal for pilgrims trekking the Via di Francesco through Tuscany’s enchanting landscapes.
Riserva naturale Sasso Fratino
The Riserva Naturale Sasso Fratino offers a unique experience of walking through ancient beech forests teeming with diverse species. As a UNESCO World Heritage site and the first Integral Reserve established in Italy, it’s a testament to the beauty and resilience of nature.
Cerreta di Camaldoli
Embark on a journey through nature at the Cerreta di Camaldoli. This forest nursery is home to a myriad of native tree species and ancient fruit varieties, reflecting sustainable forest management practices. An immersive experience for any pilgrim seeking connection with nature, history, and the teachings of St. Francis.
Lago Traversari
Traversari Lake is a charming stop on the Via di Francesco trail. This artificial yet naturalized lake, originally created for fish farming, now hosts a unique aquatic ecosystem. Learn about its history while appreciating the peaceful atmosphere amidst the verdant Tuscany forests.
Stagno di Asqua
Nestled within the Tuscan stages of Via di Francesco, Asqua Pond serves as a sanctuary for various endangered species. Its vibrant ecosystem is a living testament to the resilience and beauty of nature, making it a must-visit spot on your pilgrimage journey.
Silver Firs of Camaldoli
The Silver Firs of Camaldoli, standing tall in the heart of the Casentinesi Forests National Park, offer a unique experience where history and nature converge. These majestic trees, a testament to centuries-old sustainable forestry practices, invite you to explore the rich heritage of the Camaldolese monks and their reverence for nature.