Specialized Tourism Training in Tuscany

Upskill with Tourism Welcome Course in Arezzo

Embark on a rewarding journey by becoming an ospitaliere, a dedicated host for pilgrims on the Via di Francesco. This specialized course offers hands-on hospitality training, empowering you to provide exceptional support to pilgrims traversing Tuscany’s breathtaking Apennine region.

Rifugio Casa Santicchio - Pilgrims

Course Content

The general learning objective of the course is to transfer, with a primarily practical approach, skills to welcome clients upon their arrival at the hotel and ensure continuous assistance throughout their stay, in collaboration with other departments.

The acquired knowledge and skills refer to the service area/unit of skills of the Receptionist, including booking acquisition, complaint management, and administrative secretarial activities: Reception Management (Uc 541).

The course consists of a single training activity:

1. Secretarial management techniques. It is advisable for foreign citizens to have proficiency in the Italian language.

Course Information


Notice for Upskilling Training Projects

Territorial Zone: Arezzo

Type: Specialized Training and Transversal Skills


Project Code 9010125 – 1 edition – Enrollment 20222A90222

Limited Availability: 8 to 11 STUDENTS

The course is promoted as part of GiovaniSì, the Tuscany Region project for youth autonomy.

Fratello Sole statue at Chapel of St Francis in Stia

Course Structure and Attendance

The course includes 40 hours of classroom/computer lab. Classes will be held from Monday to Friday. The detailed schedule will be communicated at the beginning of the course. The mandatory attendance percentage is 70%.

Professional Technical Skills


  • Laws related to the tourism sector: T.U.L.P.S. (Unified Text of Public Safety Laws) and subsequent amendments, Privacy Code 196/03, etc. for the correct completion of accommodation notification cards.
  • Main electronic tools available for the reception department for sending and receiving bookings, requests by email, fax, etc.


  • Welcome the client at the reception, completing all necessary steps and paying particular attention to users with special needs (disabled, elderly, disadvantaged people, etc.).

Potential Job Opportunities

The acquired skills offer job opportunities at the front desk of various types of tourist accommodations, from hotels to farm stays.

Beneficiaries of the Training Course

  • Beneficiaries of social shock absorbers during employment: specific worker categories identified by the 2022 Budget Law (law no. 234/2021, art. 1, paragraph 200);
  • Beneficiaries of social shock absorbers without employment: unemployed recipients of NASPI or DIS-COLL;
  • Income support beneficiaries: recipients of the Citizenship Income;
  • Fragile or vulnerable workers: young NEETs (under 30), disadvantaged women, disabled people, mature workers (55 and over);
  • Unemployed without income support: unemployed for at least six months, other workers with fewer job opportunities (young and women, even if not in fragile conditions), self-employed workers who stop working or with very low incomes;
  • Workers with very low incomes (so-called working poor): whose income from employment or self-employment is below the tax exemption threshold.

Minimum Requirements

Completion of the 16th year of age and fulfillment of the education and training obligation or completion of the 18th year of age.

Credit Recognition

Upon registration, students can request credit recognition, following the procedures provided by current regulations.

Attendance Allowance

Participation in the courses provides a specific allowance for unemployed over 55 years (those who have turned 55 at the time of registration for the courses).

However, recipients of the citizenship income, beneficiaries of social buffers following involuntary unemployment, or during employment are excluded from the allowance according to current regulations.

This allowance, paid to entitled participants at the end of the project, is € 3.50 per course (calculated only on classroom and synchronous FAD hours) as an attendance allowance.

The attendance allowance is paid only to those who have obtained the final certification provided by the attended course, for the first attended course only, up to a maximum of €100 and in any case in the measure made possible by the available amount.

The allowance will be paid when the catalog courses are concluded, and the list of those entitled is determined; this can also occur a long time after the end of the course.

Executive Entity and Course Location

Pegaso Network – c/o Officine Capodarno, Via Vittorio Veneto, Pratovecchio-Stia (AR).


No final exam is planned. At the end of each training unit, intermediate tests are foreseen, each of which must score at least 60/100 for the issuance of the relative learning statement.

Final Certification

A declaration of learning certificate will be granted upon completion.



Those interested in registering for the course must register for the GOL program exclusively at the Employment Centers of the Tuscan territory.

At the chosen Employment Center, each beneficiary will be directed to a specific path based on the orientation results. If directed towards measures (2) Upskilling and (3) Reskilling, the beneficiary can register for a training course, respectively for Upskilling (update) or Reskilling (retraining), thus moving to Phase 2 described below.


In phase two, the beneficiary can register for the course present in measures (2) Upskilling or (3) Reskilling to which they were directed. To carry out Phase 2, the beneficiary can go to an Employment Center or a Job Agency.

Course Operators

TOSCANA FORMAZIONE SRL with regional accreditation no. OF0227, in partnership with PEGASO – NETWORK – SOCIAL COOPERATIVE – ONLUS with regional accreditation no. OF0233, APAB APS with regional accreditation no. OF0283, LA FABBRICA DELLE IDEE S.R.L. with regional accreditation no. OF0083, METAPHORA S.C. with regional accreditation no. OF0221, SISTEMA TRAINING AND ADVANCED SERVICES SRL with regional accreditation no. OF0284, following approval by the Tuscany Region with D.D. no. 1992 dated 01-02-2023, is organizing this training course.

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