Labor Day

Primo Maggio / Festa del Lavoro

National Holiday


  • Celebrates workers’ rights and achievements
  • Italian Labor Day with nationwide recognition
  • Free concerts, parades, and picnics
  • Held annually on May 1st
Piazza della Signoria
Address: della Signoria, 50122 Firenze FI, Italy
May 1

Occurs annually, May 1st

Admission Fees:



Festa dei Lavoratori, also known as Primo Maggio, is a nationwide Italian holiday that celebrates the achievements of workers and their struggles for better working conditions.

This annual event, held on May 1st, commemorates the economic and social gains achieved by Italian workers, such as eight-hour workdays, safe working environments, and the right to vacation time.

Across Italy, including Florence, people celebrate with concerts, parades, picnics, and family gatherings. Primo Maggio is not only about honoring past accomplishments but also about promoting updates and additions to ensure fair treatment for workers.

In Florence, the Trofeo Marzocco event takes place in Piazza della Signoria, combining folklore and culture in a lively atmosphere. The exhibition is a historical reenactment featuring competing flag-waving groups.

As public transport schedules may be affected during this holiday, travelers should plan accordingly.

Event Schedule

14:30: Trofeo Marzocco in Piazza della Signoria


Primo Maggio dates back to the late 1880s when labor unions started emerging worldwide. It was suspended in 1925 during the fascist regime in Italy but was restored by the Italian government in 1945 after World War II.

Festa dei Lavoratori was preceded by “Il Calendimaggio,” an agricultural celebration marking the start of the growing season. Many regions in Italy still celebrate Il Calendimaggio, with residents planning elaborate festivities that can last several days.

The largest Festa dei Lavoratori celebration in Italy is the Concerto a San Giovanni in Rome, sponsored by the country’s largest labor unions. This massive free event features both Italian and international artists, supporting emerging and independent talents.