
Events in January

January unveils an intimate Florence, brimming with cultural richness and winter magic at Casentino National Park, complemented by a medley of vibrant events and delectable Tuscan cuisine.

Florence and Casentino Events

Local Tradition
January 5

Occurs annually, on Jan 5, the eve of the Epiphany

Taking place on the eve of Epiphany, the village’s children dress up as witches and go from house to house, performing for their neighbors and spreading joy.

National Holiday
January 5

Occurs annually on the eve of the Epiphany

La Befana, a heartwarming Italian tradition, takes place during the first week of January, bringing joy and gifts to children. As a symbol of renewal, this kind-hearted witch on a broomstick fills stockings with sweets and presents, adding a touch of magic to the Epiphany Eve festivities.

January 6

First week of January

Join the vibrant Epiphany celebration in Florence as the city comes alive with a grand procession. Witness the historical reenactment of the journey of the three Wise Men, complete with medieval costumes and performances.

